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Creating a New Application

Before creating a new application, it’s essential to understand the framework components and starter modules.

1 Framework Components Overview

OpenMeta adopts a layered design for its framework. The core consists of three modules: base, orm, and web, providing robust technical support for higher-level general-purpose modules (starters) and business modules.

1.1 base Core Module

The foundational component that provides basic functionalities and configurations for applications:

  • Static constants, utility classes, and enumeration objects.
  • i18n support for multilingual messages in backend code.
  • Thread variables through the Context mechanism.
  • Multi-tenant configuration classes.
  • Custom exception classes.

1.2 orm Object-Relational Mapping Module

A metadata-driven ORM providing a unified abstraction layer for database access:

  • Maps entity objects to database tables, supporting relational fields, cascading fields, computed fields, etc.
  • Metadata-based access interface: ModelService.
  • Domain model access interface for specialized code: EntityService.
  • Supports dynamic query conditions via FlexQuery, with flexible filters.
  • Compatible with multiple databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.
  • Enables multi-tenant logical isolation.
  • Provides database read-write separation.
  • Supports dynamic multi-datasource configurations.
  • Offers data encryption and masking.
  • Implements data model, row-level, and column-level authorization interfaces.

1.3 web Web Application Support Module

Provides essential features for web application development:

  • RESTful API implementation support.
  • Integration with Swagger OpenAPI documentation tools.
  • Encapsulation of request and response handling.
  • Global exception handling mechanisms.
  • Context interceptor interfaces.
  • Services for caching, tokens, and utility tools.

2 Common Component Starters Overview

2.1 metadata-starter Metadata Management Module

  • Enables the definition and management of metadata such as models, fields, option sets, and views.
  • Supports metadata version upgrades.
  • Allows loading of predefined data from Excel, CSV, or JSON files.

2.2 es-starter ElasticSearch Integration Module

Provides encapsulated ES interaction capabilities:

  • Generalized index query capabilities based on metadata and filters.
  • Persistent storage and query capabilities for change logs, including details such as before/after data, user changes, and TraceId.

2.3 file-starter File Management Module

Offers file upload, download, and storage capabilities based on OSS:

  • Supports multiple storage options: Alibaba Cloud OSS, MinIO.
  • Static import: Imports model data using configurable templates and Excel files.
  • Dynamic import: Imports model data based on dynamic parameters and Excel files.
  • Static export: Exports model data to Excel files using predefined templates.
  • Dynamic export: Exports model data to Excel using configurable export templates.
  • Word file generation: Creates Word files using templates and model data.
  • PDF file generation: Creates PDF files based on Word templates and model data.
  • Provides audit records for file import/export and file generation activities.

2.4 flow-starter Workflow Engine Module

Supports event-driven business process definition and execution:

  • Automates processes such as scheduled tasks, form flows, validation flows, Onchange event flows, and AI agent flows.
  • Node types supported include: add data, modify data, delete data, query data, calculate data, decision gateway, generate reports, query AI, send messages, validate data, WebHook, asynchronous tasks, and subprocesses.
  • Event-driven mechanism supporting events like add data, modify data, delete data, button actions, Onchange events, API calls, scheduled tasks, and subprocess triggers.
  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous flows.
  • Version management for workflows.

2.5 designer-starter Designer Module

Provides versioned management of metadata and multi-environment publishing features:

  • Centralized management of relationships between business applications, system environments, and metadata versions.
  • Supports merging metadata across environments, such as Dev, Test, UAT, and Prod.
  • Publishes metadata to target environments.
  • Generates DDL scripts based on metadata versions, covering all model data structure and index changes.
  • Generates Entity, Service, ServiceImpl, and Controller code files from metadata.
  • Generates SQL scripts based on model metadata, including table and index DDL.
  • Allows database-specific DDL configurations.
  • Implements low-code development capabilities.

2.6 ai-starter AI Integration Module

Provides capabilities for AI integration and interaction:

  • Abstracts AI models and bots with support for custom bots.
  • Offers an adapter abstraction interface for AI, along with OpenAI integration.
  • Supports SSE-based interactive chat responses.
  • Allows users to rate AI responses.
  • Automatically tracks session token usage.

2.7 cron-starter Scheduled Task Management Module

Provides the ability to define and schedule tasks:

  • Configurable scheduling logic, including expressions, execution count, priority, etc.
  • Logs execution details and time statistics for tasks.
  • Supports leader election and cluster deployments.

3 Creating a New Application

By combining different starters, you can quickly create a feature-rich application. Simply add the required dependencies in the pom.xml file. Below is an example for the demo-app that depends on the metadata, ES, and file handling modules:

<description>Demo application</description>

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