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Getting Started
Build & Deployment

System Deployment

1. Build Multi-Architecture Images and Push to Image Registry

When building Docker images, it is necessary to create images for each CPU architecture. Here, only linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures are considered, as they cover the majority of CPUs.

1.1 Prepare Multi-Architecture Environment

Docker Engine includes the buildx plugin, which supports building multi-architecture images.

Create and use a new builder to enable multi-architecture builds:

docker buildx create --name multi-arch --use

List existing builders to verify the new builder was created successfully:

docker buildx ls

1.2 Build Multi-Architecture Docker Images

In the root directory of the code repository, build Java application images by specifying APP_PATH and APP_VERSION:


In the parameters:

  • APP_PATH is the relative directory of the application to be built. The last segment of the string serves as the application name. For example, the directory for the demo application is apps/demo-app.
  • REGISTRY_NAMESPACE is an optional parameter. The default value is openmeta, which corresponds to the openmeta namespace in the official Docker Hub registry. You can specify REGISTRY_NAMESPACE to push the Docker image to a private image registry.

Example for building the demo application image:

./deploy/ apps/demo-app 0.7.5

2. Launch the Demo Application Using Docker Compose

docker-compose -f ./deploy/demo-app/docker-compose.yml up -d

For detailed configuration and launch instructions, refer to the Quick Start Guide section for the demo application.

3. Production Environment

It is recommended to deploy the production environment using CI/CD pipelines and Kubernetes.

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